8 Ekizanji 益山寺(えきざんじ)

Denomination:  Shingon (真言宗)

Main Image:  Fudo Myo-o (不動明王)

Location:  Horigiri, Izu City (伊豆市堀切)

IMG_8996Founded by Kobo Daishi, enshrined in the main hall at Ekizanji is a Senju Kanzeon Bosatsu made by Kobo Daishi.

400 year old ginkgo tree

400 year old ginkgo tree

Largest maple tree in Shizuoka; 1000 years old.

Largest maple tree in Shizuoka; 1000 years old.

In front of the main hall are two very large trees, a 900 year old gingko tree, and a 1000 year old kaede (maple) tree, the largest of its kind, recognized as an important prefectural treasure.

IMG_90057 Senryuji  泉龍寺  Previous                                                   Next  9 Chorakuji 澄楽寺

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